Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kiwis come to Oz.

Joe and I are techo-geeks, I'm not sure what this means, but Joe assures me that is what we are.  I used to be less of a geek and then I married Joe and started playing World of Warcraft and watching SciFi and all sorts of other cool yet geeky things.  Anyways, all of that to say being a geek is cool.  Being a geek who plays MMORPGs is even cooler, mainly because you get to meet and become friends with people from all over the world.  And then sometimes real life and gaming life collides and you get to meet them in person and hang out! So fun!!! 

Kiwis at the Zoo. As seen through the glass of a sky ferry. 

Two of our awesome gamer friends and one of their friends who we didn't know came to Sydney and we got to hang out.  I haven't asked them if I can mention their names on my blog yet so they shall be known as Pew Pew, Visc, and Player 3.  It was so very cool to get to run around with awesome friends that you have known for years but not gotten to hang out with.  Very very cool! 

What do you do with a Kiwi in Oz? Take them to see the sights of course! :) 

 At the ZOO!!!

 Cranky Koala poses for a picture!

 My favourite things at the zoo... hefalumps! :) Squeeee!!!

 Pew Pew, Player 3 and Visc hanging out with an elephant.  Silly Pew Pew, elephants don't eat ice's!

 Baby tiger at the zoo... squeeeee!!! So cute!

 Joe and Pew Pew navigate.

Joe comparing his wingspan... pretty huge! 

The Kiwis were only in town for a long weekend, so the sightseeing was a bit frantic.  In two full and two half days we did a walking tour of Sydney, went to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Powerhouse Museum, went to the National Gallery, The Australia Museum, the Zoo, took the ferry (or fairy as Pew Pew spelled it... lol) to Manly, went to the Manly Aquarium, had dinner at the top of the Centrepoint Tower, visited the Rocks, watched fireworks on Darling Harbour and went to Harry's pie stand.  I'm tired just thinking about it.  We did a LOT! 

 The Boys take a break during their walking tour.  I was a smart girl, I went to visit the cat. lol. 

 Darling Harbour


 Joe and Pew Pew eat Pies. Nom Nom Nom.

We had to take the Ferry over to Manly to go see the sights there.  I'm not much of a water or a boat person, so crossing through the heads was a bit of an adventure for me.  The heads is where the harbor ends and the ocean begins, and apparently there is a bit of water that crashes into another bit of water there and makes for a very rough ride.  I get seasick in the bathtub, so you can imagine how well that all went over. LOL. 

There we are sitting in the back of the boat on the bottom level in the middle seat, you know the place where the boat moves the least.  And the skipper (is that what you call them??) announces that there is rough water ahead and to please take your seats.  (slight panic)  So Joe is there assuring me it won't be that bad and the boat takes an abrupt list to the left side.  And then creaks back over to the right, this horrible tossing continues and at one point I look out and all I see on one side is water and all I see on the other is sky.  
Of COURSE this pushes every "THAT AIN'T RIGHT" button that I have and I start to freak out.  I'm asking Joe if we're gonna sink, and does he have an escape plan if the boat goes down, and if we know where our life jackets are and can we put them on now please.  Joe of course finds this highly amusing but is good enough to not laugh at me and calmly assures me that the ferry is fine and we aren't going down.   But in case we did, he did indeed have a plan on how to save us.  Good man! 

We did make it to Manly and back. YAY! (Told you I wasn't a boat person) 

 I don't know what is up with this turtle... It was taking a nap with its buns in the air. LOL. 


 Kiwis eyeballing the sharks.

 LOL They are serious about poop in Manly.

Taking the Ferry back.

The Kiwis came... and a good time was had by all!

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