Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Rat has arrived!

We have a cat, Bitty Rat.  He's super cute! And amazingly, wonderfully, after many issues involving three governments, an epic snow storm and a very difficult vet in Canada he has arrived in Australia and is serving his time in Kitty Jail aka quarantine.  

 Here he is the first day we got to visit him. 

The first visit we had with him he was so very happy to see us. He mewed and meowed and circled around our legs and shook his little tail at us as if to say HELLO! Then he went and stood by the door, like "I'm ready to go now, lets get out of here".  Poor little dude.  He wasn't very happy when he had to stay. 

"I can see the door but they won't let me out!!!"

The girl taking care of the Rat whilst he's in the pokey is Laura.  She is super sweet and gives him lots of love and scritches.  However, on the first day she wanted to know if he was always grumpy and made several comments about how angry he was.  I was like...ummm he's been stuck in a box for 20+ hours, been on a plane for the first time in his life, and as soon as he met you, you stuck a thermometer up his bum.  I'd be grumpy too. LOL.

 Joe and Bits

 My baby! 

Bits is known as being Joe's cat.  But the first day in quarantine all he wanted was his Mommy.  Awwwwwwwww 

 Cuddle time. 

We are going to see the Rat today, its the last time we have to visit him and then leave him there, in a week, he comes home for good and gets to be an Aussie Rat! WOOT!!!! 

 The view from the Rat's cage

Rain... and more rain... I say in all seriousness, if I wanted rain, I could have stayed in Seattle. YEESH! I thought this was supposed to be a hot and dry country.  :(  Terrible summer.  Funnily, I keep thinking, "Oh well, summer's in a few months, don't worry about the rain." But then I remember...I'm on the bottom side of the world now... June is WINTER!!!  How screwed up is that! 

Grooming Daddy. 

HUGE thanks have to go out to Mel and Ryan who drove for hours through a snow storm and hung in there when things went to hell in Canada trying to get the Rat out of the country.  It was a hugely stressful weekend for everyone but they had a little dude who wouldn't let them sleep so they had it a bit worse.  Thank you guys for being amazing friends and for getting my little dude over here for me! Love you guys!!!

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